I830-200G 830nM < 200mW Class IIIb Laser Module

Order Code Price
l (nm) Power (mW) Iop (mA) Vop (VDC) Circuitry Size (mm) Focusable
I830-200G-JAC $1395.00 830±10 < 200 < 1500 5 ACC Laser: 52 x 52 x 48mm
Driver: 50 x 50 x 42 mm

Glass Collimating Optics, Focusable, 20cm long cable between Laser and Driver.
I830-200G is multi-mode laser. That translates to an output beam with high divergence (approx. 4 mrad by 8 mrad). The beam profile may be set into line or rectangular shape.

Optional Features related to I830-200G-JAC:

  • Output Power Adjustable Control (Order Code: PADJ-C): $95.00/ea.
  • Modulation Control Input (up to 10K Hz): (Order Code: MCON-10-C): $95.00/ea.
  • Beam Corrective Lens (Order Code: BCOR): Minimumized Beam Divergence (approx. 2 x 4 mrad), Maximumized Power Efficiency: $300.00/ea.

    Accessories related to I830-200G-JAC:

  • Mounting Bracket: (Order Code: LM-L): $19.00
  • Power Supply: PS-5V2A
  • MeshTel - INTELITE, INC. USA
    Tel: 775 267 5959, Fax: 775 267 5958
    Disclaimer: The prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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